NEW SECRET Collegen Foundation KOD015

Kod: #0008910


% 20


13.30 USD 10.64 USD
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New Secret Foundation is a type of concealer cream that is very similar to BB and CC creams in terms of its structure, but has been developed for different problems of the skin. It differs from other concealer creams with its New Secret COLLEGEN (anti-aging) feature. New Secret, whose main function is to close unwanted spots on the skin and equalize the skin tone, also defies wrinkles and the negative effects of years. While protecting the skin against adverse weather conditions all day long, it protects the skin from dryness with its intense moisturizing feature. Its anti-aging effect has also been developed to prevent the formation of new wrinkles on the skin. It provides full protection for the skin by protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun all day long. New Secret Foundation, which has skin tightening feature, contains many antioxidants. These antioxidants are very effective in regenerating the skin. In this way, while the skin is purified from harmful substances, it regains its elastic appearance. It has a structure that is very suitable for dry skin with its intense moisturizing effect. New Secret Foundation. It is formulated as 20 SPF to protect from the harmful effects of the sun, so it can eliminate this factor by destroying the sun effects, which is another cause of wrinkles, on the skin. New Secret Foundation, which does not contain harmful chemicals in its content, helps protect your skin by providing care without tiring the skin. How to Apply New Secret Foundation? Foundation can be used instead of foundation by becoming a part of the daily makeup routine. It can be applied with the help of a brush or sponge. It can be used as a moisturizer or as a make-up base. A single layer of foundation is enough to protect your skin. With its fluid creamy formula, the Foundation is easy to apply and has a texture that matches the skin immediately. It offers a much lighter and more practical make-up experience in daily make-up.

Product price : 10.64 USD

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