Michelin MC32194 250ml Torpedo and Bumper Care Lotion/Glossy Appearance

Kod: MC32194

Brand: Michelin

1.90 USD
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Michelin MC32194 250ml Torpedo and Bumper Care Lotion/Glossy Appearance

- Michelin's specially developed natural Gloss formula renews the original coating of bumpers, fairings and rubber, providing long-lasting shine and protection,

- The formula with natural polish leaves no oily residue, so you can achieve shiny perfect results for interior plastic parts,

- Thanks to anti-static molecules, it prevents dust retention and provides a natural shiny appearance for a long time,

- It refreshes the interior of your vehicle with a very pleasant and fresh scent,

- Protects the material against brittleness and whitening,

- It refreshes the interior of your vehicle with a very pleasant and fresh scent,

- Suitable for all torpedo, bumper and all plastic parts inside the vehicle,

- Directions for use: Shake the can well before use. Before application, clean the surface from dust and dirt with a dry cloth. Then use a microfiber or sponge (MC32521, MC32514) to apply the lotion evenly on the torpedo or bumper surface. Do not apply on surfaces such as steering wheel, brake pedal, gear knob, glass.

- Warning: Keep out of the reach of children and in a cool place!

- Made in Europe with high Michelin technology

Product price : 1.90 USD

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