Cadac Citi Chef 40 Gazlı Mangal-MAVİ

Kod: 230354_MAVİ

Brand: Cadac

310.23 USD
The product is temporarily unavailable
• Masaüstü kullanım
• ø 38,5cm
• Modüler sistem
• Termometreli kubbe
• Piezo ateşleme
• Ağırlık: 5,8kg
• Ürün Ebat: 425 x 425 x 330 mm
• Kutulu Ebat: 455 × 455 × 345mm

Dahili aksesuarlar:
• Taşıma çantası
• GreenGrill kaplamalı barbekü ızgarası
• Tencere standı
• Kubbe

Bu, masa üstü ünite olarak kullanım için sağlam, kompakt ve taşınabilir bir barbeküdür. Mükemmel ısı dağılımı için alüminyumdan yapılmış yapışmaz seramik kaplı pişirme ızgarasına sahiptir. Yağ tavası bir dış kabın içine sığar, yıkamak ve temizlemek için kolayca çıkarılabilir. Temizlemeyi kolaylaştıran termometreli ve ısıya dayanıklı kaplamalı kubbe.

Tencere standı dahildir, CADAC paella tavası veya pizza taşı kullanılabilir.

Not: gaz şişesi, basınç regülatörü ve/veya Power Pak dahil değildir.
Product price : 310.23 USD

As a basic rule, you can return the product you bought within 14 working days from the date of delivery, with an invoice issued by our company and a note attachment containing the reason for the return.

* PLEASE SEND YOUR RETURN ITEMS WITH YOUR INVOICE AND A NOTE NOTIFYING THE REASON FOR THE RETURN. * If the invoice of the product you want to return is corporate, you must send it together with the return invoice issued by the institution when returning it. The return invoice should be issued without including the cargo share (in the form of product unit price + VAT). Order returns, whose invoices are issued on behalf of corporations, will not be completed unless a RETURN INVOICE is issued.


If you are not a taxpayer, we will contact our company, which you have when returning the product you have purchased. After you fill out the information in the relevant return section of the invoice, you must sign it and send it back to us together with the product. Otherwise, your refund will not be completed. General return conditions are as follows;

* Returns must be made with the original box or packaging. * Returns of products that have lost their resaleability and cannot be purchased by another customer are not accepted. * You must send a petition containing the original invoice (all copies you have) and the reason for the return, along with the product you want to return. * The shipping fee of the product/products you want to return is covered by our company.

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